Why participate?

Three main reasons you should sign up to participate today:

It's paid

Once you complete the focus group, you will be handed a check for $75.

Free dinner

Enjoy dinner - on us.

The experience

Where else can you get paid for your opinion?

What is a focus group?

A focus group is a diverse group of people assembled to participate in a discussion and provide feedback on various subjects. Focus groups provide valuable information on how groups of people think or feel about a particular topic.

Kelly Support is looking for people to join in a discussion and then offer feedback on the facts presented. The focus group will evaluate negligence cases after hearing testimony of witnesses, lawyers’ viewpoints and many other items.

When are they?

They are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 5:30pm – 8:45pm. 

What past participants say

Besides the pay and free dinner - everyone has a great time!

Jaime, 22

"This experience was unlike any other. I feel like I made a difference!"

Brian, 45

"This was an excellent experience. It was meaningful and thought provoking."

MaryAnn, 57

"It was a great experience. Very interesting and informative!"

Get in Touch


Find us at the office

6720 Main Street, Suite 300

Williamsville NY 14221





Mon - Fri, 8:30A.M. - 5:00P.M.

Contact Us
